Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Chloe again, back to writing after several weeks of absence and a vacation in my way (sorry, not sorry). As I've said, I'm going to narrate an utterly unforgettable experience, which, if you were in it, will have you either regretting it, enjoying it me, craving for some more.

Curious? Very well, I hope you can learn something from this sky-high experience.

It started off as a normal day for me, with the summer art classes and whatnot, going home and expecting a home-alone break time for me. Surprise! Dad informed me that Mom cancelled my tutorial appointment in Ready Minds Learning Center, so I got to go on the free trip with her. Yay! Being in a blogger meeting for the first time, I expected there to be boring talk, then food. But Poseidon's underpants, I was wrong.

Dabmaster is back XD

Instead of personal private transportation, we got to ride in a giant van cramped up with bloggers everywhere, but it was fun. If you define fun as not-knowing-anyone-and-not-talking-to-them-with-earphones-on, yeah. Things got a whole lot interesting as we arrived on an elevated area, only to see nothing but a barren fountain and an attractive glass terrace. Who cares--the skyline view was glorious. The day was hot, yes, but none of that mattered. Being that nature-loving kid over there, I stayed on the top floor longer than others, besides my mom.

What made my day better was the cafe and diner at the lower floor, with its soothing, homey feel and meals, and the scenic view of the horizon. There, the pilots welcomed us, inviting us to a paragliding adventure--but what's an adventure without the rules? Well, first of all, you have to make sure there's a lot of wind blowing in. Second, you've gotta have a licensed pilot with you, even if you're already good at paragliding. Third, (no offense) they will prioritize those who are approximately 50 kilograms or a few more. Me being me, I don't take track of my weight, but, oh well!

Waiting for my turn didn't bore me out--in fact, it it entertained me, watching the reactions of the other bloggers--some screaming, some gleeful, some utterly nervous up to the point they signed out. I wasn't really nervous, or excited--in fact, it felt like a normal day. Mom, being mom, gave me a tight hug once it was my turn, and I asked her to owe me a chocolate frappe once I go back (during that time, I was assuming I'd return. Oops).

Paragliding was not how I expected it to be. I was so stupid to think we'd jump off the roof, go Peter Pan, weeee...! You had to take minutes to prepare, and wait for the wind to come across. I was given instructions to keep running in mid-air, and was told that jumping may be the worst option. Oh, and I forgot to mention, Sir Titoy was my assigned pilot that time. He was a nice guy, actually. I'd thank him for the experience I am now about to tell you.

What is it like above the air, you ask? Some people require extra guts and glory to enjoy it, but me being me, I walked off the roof without any qualms, nor a negative thought on what may happen next. And WHOOSH! A brightly decorated parachute flies off not far from the horizon, caught by the updraft of winds, Was it scary? Not even zero percent. It was, and is, and always will be gloriously amazing (with a slight nausea on the side). I felt weightless, and by following the instructions I felt like I was god ol' Jason Grace, soaring above like a bird. It wasn't scary, even. It was the best feeling ever...despite the fact that the ride will only last three minutes. The landing was soft, even. But just staring straight ahead felt as if time stopped--and I loved it.

I got my frappe after all, anyways. It was delicious...although a little too sweet, but tasty nonetheless. Dinner didn't really help my post-aerial stress, but the spicy chicken wings were enough to satisfy my partially empty stomach.I may have drunken all the water back there,I'm sorry, but how else was I supposed to relieve my headache?


Woops, I forgot to mention that they have the best sunsets, right? No words could describe it. Heck, it was beyond description, and it was enchanting, timeless and it gave me a nostalgic feeling. I don't know how many photos I took, but if the camera's out of memory, I don't regret it.

Thank me for this fabulous photo, fellow hombres :)

Welcome to Sierra del Oro, folks. The upscale and sky-high soon-to-be paradise of your dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Love this article Chloe! I was entertained ��
    Keep on writing!
